Learning to Code
Where do I get started?
Which language should I learn?
What do I need to learn?
How long does it take?
Why the f*ck doesn't my code work?
It takes ten thousand hours to truly master anything. Time spent leads to experience; experience leats to proficiency; and the more proficient you are the more valuable you'll be.Learning to program is a long journey.
- Malcom Gladwell
It is possible to teach yourself to code, using online excellent online resources provided by coursea, edx, udemy, newcoder.io, Learn python the hard way and code academy.
A good starting point is the learn python course offered by code academy. Choose the free version. This will give you the introduction to the python syntax.
From there, move onto introduction to computer science with python by MITx/edx.
Sign up for news letters by RealPython, pick small projects to work on, publish your work on Gitlab or Github, attend local coding meetup. Above all, keep things simple and attempt to learn a little bit at a time.
You should know the following: